My veteran readers know in how much high esteem I hold women who can shoot and shoot straight. Sgt Kimberly Mundley is no exception. Heroism is walking in the direction of shots fired at Ft. Hood and is of Presidential Medal of Freedom stature. (Is that too hyperbolic?) She was wounded three or four times - severely enough for my tastes.
But there's nothing so important as the unvarnished truth. Sgt Mundely stopped some bullets. And maybe fired her own.
OTOH, we don't want another Jessica Lynch case.
If Sgt Mark Todd fired the bullets that actually dropped Hasan and prevented further killing, he should get top billing. That's what this story indicates.
The real story should beat a good story, every time.
And if Hasan's case ends up with his life imprisonment in a penitentiary as well as in his own crippled body, that would be a fitting end. Let him rot and die a natural death, his name forgotten.
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