News Corp has cancelled the planned O.J. Simpson "If I Did It" television interview on Fox and also the publication of his book of the same title.
In a statement released today, Rupert Murdoch said,
I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project. We are sorry for any pain that this has caused the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.It also proved painful for the American people. Critics called for boycotts of advertisers who might sponsor the television broadcast on the Fox network; numerous broadcast stations announced they would refuse to carry the program; television hosts like Bill O’Reilly on the Fox News Channel — which, like Fox, is owned by the News Corporation — were vocal in their opposition of the telecast; and various bookstores said they might not stock his book. The book was to be published by ReganBooks, also owned by News Corporation.
Acquitted by a defective jury, O.J. Simpson was convicted in the court of public opinion and, still incarcerated by the same court, is denied citizen's rights to press and speech. Let's hope the verdict stands.
OJ is selling on EBAY
I am disgusted by News Corp. owner Rupert Murdoch and publisher Judith Regan's decision to broadcast or publish anything O.J. Simpson has to say. He had his day — many days — in court, and most people believe he's a vicious killer. To even speculate, for profit, about the brutal murder of his children's mother and her friend, Ron Goldman, makes him even more disgusting than he already was. Shame on Simpson, Regan, News Corp. and anyone who buys or watches this cruel trash.
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